
WFED Virtual Conference 2023 Agenda
Careers and Technologies for Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Opening Keynote, 9:00 am

Transforming Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Dr. Wesley Payne McClendon, Chief Transformation Officer, Diversity Atlas and Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Victoria Graduate School of Business

While civil rights and social justice have moved from the streets to the boardroom, delivering on the promise of a diverse, multi-racial, institutionally equitable, and inclusive workplace culture continues to be elusive. As a practical model to reshape the way we think about and approach diversity, equity, and inclusion, I present a transformative process of adoption – process change, innovation – value change, and disruption – discontinuous change to drive the DEI agenda, measure impact and deliver tangible results.

Careers in diversity, equity, and inclusion are booming. D&I roles in EMEA have increased by 67% in the past five years and grew 1.65 times faster than HR roles. However, 60% of chief diversity officers at S&P 500 companies left their jobs between 2018 and 2021. The average tenure of chief diversity officers decreased from 3.1 to 1.8 years in 2021. Why? People were hired without thought, tools, and resources to drive and measure successful DEI programs. Programs were announced with great fanfare, bells, and whistles, but they weren’t adequately resourced nor given appropriate budgetary responsibility and decision-making authority. My presentation offers a model for DEI success with tangible outcomes.


  • An outline of the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) role and a clear understanding of the global job market in the DEI sector.
  • Lessons learned from case study examples in which diversity, equity, and inclusion succeeded or failed.
  • Apply a transformation DEI model focused on adoption, innovation, and disruption.

Track I, 10:00 am

DEI: Navigating Alternate Realities
Tonya Wilson, CEO and President of AFC Consulting Group

With the evolution of virtual reality and the launch of meta-platforms, there are implications for diversity, equity, and inclusion in alternate realities and in our current reality. As we consider these implications for Talent Development, we explore the use of transformative dialog and story to facilitate equitable environments in every reality.

This topic addresses the complexities associated with DEI and evolving technology.


  • Examine DEI implications in the AI, VR, Meta, and current realities
  • Explore Talent Alignment Strategies for Equity
  • Learn to engage in Transformative Dialogue and Story Bonding for Change

Track II, 10:00 am

The Evolving Direction of Certification Bodies
John Foster, President/CEO, NOCTI/Nocti Business Solutions

Industry certifications have become the “coin of the realm” in many industry clusters and are key to reskilling and upskilling the nation’s workforce. How are credential providers leveling the playing field? What tools are being used by online certification providers? Join this session to find out!

The topic discusses the current direction of certification trends regarding trade associations and provides useful information to encourage access and equity for their membership and potential members.


  • Have a better understanding of the certification landscape and its importance
  • Gather insight as to certification trends
  • Enumerate some of the tools being employed online to assist with equity and access

Track I, 11:00 am

Leading Change in Museums
Briana Joyner, Chief Human Resources & Inclusion Officer

Join us for a conversation about leading change in museums with Briana Joyner, Chief Human Resources & Inclusion Officer and Board President of Hallie Q. Brown, the oldest African American organization in Minnesota. Learn about the change management process, the use of empathy in telling stories, and barriers to museums advancing in equity work.

Current trends in the national workforce show an increasing interest in the role of museums in social justice work. Arts and cultural institutions, specifically museums, create experiences and interpretations and utilize storytelling to teach people how to grapple with ambiguity and difference. In order to be impactful, these institutions need to use career pathing and key technologies to prepare a workforce capable of providing spaces for critical thinking, reflection, empathy, and learning.


  • Participants should be able to understand the process for implementing large-scale cultural transformation utilizing JEDI and OD principles in museums.
  • Participants should be able to identify systemic barriers to JEDI and OD progress in arts and cultural institutions.
  • Participants should be able to identify key technologies, systems, structures, and thoughtful career pathing for non-profit, arts, and cultural institutions.

Track II, 11:00 am

Reflecting on VR-Enhanced T-Group and Feedback Sessions: A Path to DEIB
Hyung Joon Yoon

T-Group is known to enhance self-understanding and emotional intelligence, which are essential for DEIB practices. This presentation will showcase a VR-enhanced T-Group and feedback sessions that involve remote observations. In addition, reflections and preliminary evidence of its impact will be shared. Future actions for improvement and research will be discussed.

T-group appreciates diversity, equity, inclusion, and belongingness by giving each participant a chance to express themselves freely.  In addition, this session is about utilizing new technologies, VR, 360-degree cameras, and new T-Group processes for DEIB. Therefore, the session is highly relevant to the conference theme.


  • Understand what T-group is and how it can be used to enhance DEIB.
  • Realize how VR-enhanced T-group facilitates self-understanding and emotional intelligence.
  • Brainstorm other VR-based applications in enhancing DEIB.

Afternoon Keynote Speaker, 12:30 pm

Asian perspectives of the DE&I in the workplace
Lee Lu

This presentation will bring Asian perspectives on DE&I regarding how HRD specialists identify unconscious bias and affinity bias to eliminate unintentional exclusion and embrace awareness of DE&I to build an engaging and innovative culture in the workplace.

Asian firms pay more attention to DE&I but know little about the contextual dynamics. Therefore, the title “Asian perspectives of the DE&I in the workplace” will shed light on enterprises in Asian countries and how HRD specialists engage employees to be aware of DE&I and capitalize on the benefit collectively.


  • To understand the means of DE&I in the workplace.
  • To analyze the DE&I situation in the workplace.
  • To identify ways to take action on DE&I issues in the workplace.

Track I, 1:30 pm

Transformative DEIB Learning: How to Keep a Positive and Inclusive Atmosphere in the Workplace
Addidi Etim-Hunting

Track II, 1:30 pm

Charting a Meaningful Career for Advancing Equity and Inclusion
William Brendel

While the field of OD may be complex, developing an inspiring career that leverages your unique talents and interests doesn’t have to be! That’s where the (M.O.S.T.) Meaningful Careers Assessment comes in. Learn about how you fit in a field that not only integrates DE&I in its processes but also makes it a top priority outcome.

OD is a diverse field, and it contributes to DE&I efforts by introducing processes that are inclusive and equitable. It is also now used to steward DE&I efforts. Finding a career in OD that fits your unique strengths and interests is made possible through the M.O.S.T. Career Assessment.


  • Learn about the diversity of the OD career landscape;
  • Learn how equity and inclusion bind all OD careers together;
  • Get a glimpse inside your own OD career calling using the assessment!

Track I, 2:30 pm

Identifying Key Success Factors in Workplace Diversity
Dr. Jamie Campbell, Assistant Dean of Diversity Enhancement Programs

This presentation will assist participants in understanding what key success factors for workplace diversity are and how they can be used for successful DEIB implementation.

Best practices in diversity are often discussed, but success factors are rarely discussed. In this interactive session, participants will learn why diversity is not only important but crucial to successful growth, sustainability, and market share.

After the workshop, participants will be able to

  • Understand what Key Successful Factors (KSF) are.
  • Review what is needed for implementing successful diversity practices in the workplace.
  • Explain why diversity in the workplace is integral to workplace performance.

Track II, 2:30 pm

Race, Work, and Technology: Prospects for an Anti-racist Adult Education
John D. Holst, Associate Professor of Lifelong Learning and Adult Education

Combining the political economic theory of technology-driven precarity with the praxis of social movement activists, I will propose an analysis of the nature of race today and its implications for anti-racist education.

This presentation helps us understand the relationship between technology, the growing precarity of work and the nature of race, and prospects for anti-racist education.


Participants will be able to address the following questions:

  • How can a social construct such as race be real and not real at the same time?
  • What does it mean to say that race is not real when we know that race impacts the social, cultural, political, and economic makeup of societies in very tangible ways?
  • How do we fight something with an education that presents itself as both real and not real at the same time?
  • How, where, and with whom do new technology-driven economic changes provide opportunities for anti-racist education?

Track I, 3:40 pm

Navigating a Job Search in Today’s Market
Christy Rosen

You don’t need to look very far to know that the current job market is a very interesting one. We hear on TV, social media, and pretty much every outlet about layoffs, downsizing, and inflation! Some people may think you should “sit this one out” for right now and conduct your job search down the road when things settle down. Not true! I’ll walk you through some sound strategies that make an impact!

I am mainly focused on strategic job search strategies and networking, but I will also include females and people with diverse backgrounds when speaking about the tech industry.


  • Understand what the job market looks like right now.
  • Gain knowledge on the current demand for more women and women of color in technology
  • How to successfully navigate today’s market.

Track II, 3:40 pm

To Be Defined
Gabriela Richard, Ph.D.

Track I, 4:30 pm

Stand Out: Leverage Your Personal Brand to Advance Your Career
Wendy Terwelp, Founder, Executive Career Coach, Personal Brand Strategist

Big companies know branding is critical to stand out from their competition. But branding isn’t just for big companies; every person has a brand. To win in today’s competitive market, managing your personal brand online and off is essential to advancing your career, being recognized for your contributions, and positively impacting workplace culture.

Your personal brand contributes to the workplace culture and the employer brand. Up-leveling your personal brand as a WFED professional enhances your impact in creating a workplace culture where everyone can thrive and feel they belong.


  • Know and apply core principles of personal branding to your online and offline presence for effective career management.
  • Discover and leverage your brand to attract the right opportunities for you and your firm.
  • Communicate your value and brand in terms decision-makers love to advance your career, increase your compensation, and be recognized for your contributions.

Track II, 4:30 pm

Artificial Intelligence Algorithmic Bias Generating Real Societal Bias
Matthew R. Raup, Adjunct Professor

Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers a cost-effective way to process large amounts of data quickly and consistently, theoretically providing logical outcomes that are not marred by human error and bias.  However, algorithmic bias stemming from data bias, method bias, and societal bias presents a real danger to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Algorithmic bias has been found to have negative effects that either target disadvantaged populations or generate outcomes that do not include the extra attention a disadvantaged population may require.  This issue will continue to grow as AI becomes more common and used in more critical situations.


  • Identify how algorithmic bias of AI can lead to societal bias
  • Understand the consequences that algorithmic bias can have on disadvantaged populations
  • Discuss the role of OD in addressing the algorithmic bias issue”

OD Simulation, 6:00 pm

Experience Organization Development (OD): Role Play Simulation
Dr. William Rothwell, Professor of Education (WFED)

Building on the premise of learning by doing, experience-based learning allows individuals to identify their unique strengths and develop their skills. This presentation is an integration of a case study with role-playing. Participants will engage in a simulation to develop the skills needed to facilitate the “feedback step” of Lewin’s Action-Research Model.

Role-play simulations provide a safe and controlled environment to practice and develop OD skills. One of the most critical skills is facilitating the feedback process, which helps identify and address unconscious biases and possible microaggressions, and provides a mechanism for promoting inclusiveness that values diverse perspectives.


  • Identify the skills needed to facilitate the “feedback step” of Lewin’s Action-Research-Model;
  • Demonstrate active listening for consensus-building; and
  • Collaborate with the client and consultant to develop workable recommendations.